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Brown Brothers Huntington Pottery
Watercolor, India ink, and gouache on beige paper depicting the Brown Brothers Pottery as it faced the waterfront. Foreground of rippling water painted in blue, green, and white; man in rowboat with woman holding parasol; small white sailboat, sails…
The Property of Frederic G. Sammis
Two watercolors on beige paper depicting views of and from the property of Frederic G. Sammis. Bottom image is 4 x 19.125 inches and bordered by thin grey line, titled "View from the Grounds, Overlooking Huntington Bay, The Long Island Sound &…
Tags: Barn; Field; Harbor; Homestead; Huntington; Marine; New York; Residence; Sailboat; Suffolk County; Town of Huntington; Waterscape
Residence of Charles W. Scudder
Watercolor and gouache on biege paper depicting a view of the Charles W. Scudder homestead. Foreground consists of haying fields bounded towards the midground by split rail fence and road; farmer drives team of two horses pulling a sickle bar mower…
George Scudder House
Watercolor and gouache on blue-tinted paper depicting the residence of George Scudder. Foreground depicts road running diagonally toward lower right corner, man riding horse on road towards the left; bounded by linear plantings of trees with sidewalk…
Panorama of Scudder's property near New York and Park Avenues
Watercolor on beige paper depicting Scudder homestead. Haying fields in foreground, piles of hay throughout, on left side two farmers transport load of hay on haycart pulled by two horses, faint pencil sketch of unfinished figure in field to right;…
Mill Dam and Huntington Harbor
Watercolor on beige paper depicting waterfront scene. Foreground composed of rippling water to the left and marshy grasses to the right; dirt road running from center left to bottom right. Midground depicts two men fishing in center, two sailbots…
Tags: Fishing; Harbor; Huntington; Marine; New York; Sailboat; Suffolk County; Tidal Mill; Town of Huntington; Waterscape; Wharf
My Dear Old Home
Watercolor on beige paper depicting carriages, drive, and homestead. Haying fields in foreground, piles of hay throughout, on left side two farmers transport load of hay on haycart pulled by two horses, on right side field stands unmowed; road beyond…
Tags: Barn; Field; Haying; Homestead; Huntington; New York; Outbuildings; Residence; Suffolk County; Town of Huntington
Panorama View of Huntington from Woolsey Avenue
Albumen photographic print of five sketches depicting various views of Huntington. Bottom third of print titled "Birdseye View of Huntington Bay" and depicts a wide angled view of the harbor beyond patchwork fields lined with rows of trees and dotted…
Panorama View of Huntington from Woolsey Avenue
Watercolor and gouache on paper depicting various views of Huntington. Bottom third of picture titled "Birdseye View of Huntington Bay" and depicts a wide angled view of the harbor beyond patchwork fields lined with rows of trees and dotted with…
Residence of Ruben R. Scudder, Huntington, L.I.
Watercolor on beige paper showing the house and property of Ruben Scudder. Foreground consists of the corner of an intersection, one road coming from the left and another extending back and to the right, one-horse carriage with man and woman moving…
View of Huntington Harbor from the Residence of John R. Scudder
Watercolor, India ink, lead pencil, and gouache on paper depicting a view of Huntington Harbor from the residence of John R. Scudder. Right foreground shows two front yards with decorative planting and white picket fence borders abutting a dirt road…
View of Huntington Harbor/View of Two Residences
Albumen prints on thin paper adhered to original cardboard backing, the one on top depicting a view of Huntington Harbor and the one on the bottom depicting a view of two residences and roadway. View of Huntington Harbor on top has a row of trees…