Setauket, L.I.
Dublin Core
Setauket, L.I.
Panorama; Harbor; Sailboat; Boat; Marine; Waterscape
Watercolor and gouache on brown paper giving a view of Setauket and its harbor from an elevated perspective. Foreground depicts haying fields mowed by farmer in the center with two-horse team pulling a sickle bar mower; piles of cut hay cluster the field to the right side, around group of three farmers gathering hay onto cart. Midground comprisde of horizontal, panoramic band showing dirt road with cart and driver to the left side, fields beyond; dwellings or barns positioned in the center-left on the bank of Setauket Harbor; water of the harbor in the center midground that wind back to the right to disappear behind hills; further residential and farm structures scattered throughout the shoreline of the right midground, fields beyond. Background quickly transitions to horizon line and sky, rolling hills visibile in the far distance of the center background; sky above mottled with blue and white pigment creating clouds, brown of paper coming several areas for effect. Picture borders in thin white line and titled "Setauket. L.I." in stenciled letterd beneath.
Lange, Edward (1846-1912) [Artist]
Edward Lange (1846-1912), Setauket, L.I., n.d., Watercolor and gouache on paper, 14.5 x 30.750 in. (unframed); 22 x 38.25 in. (framed), Long Island Museum, Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Ward Melville, 1976, 1976.017.0058
14.5 x 30.750 in. (unframed); 22 x 38.25 in. (framed)
Signed lower right corner, "Edw. Lange. Art. Elwood. Suffolk Co. N.Y."
Watercolor and gouache on paper
Spatial Coverage
New York; Suffolk County; Town of Brookhaven; Setauket-East Setauket
Rights Holder
Long Island Museum, Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Ward Melville, 1976, 1976.017.0058
Lange, Edward (1846-1912) [Artist], “Setauket, L.I.,” The Art of Edward Lange , accessed February 19, 2025,